Illustrations by
Pilot whale
Globicephala melas
Pilot whale | Globocefalo | Calderòn
The Pilot Whale is a strongly social species and lives in very large family groups, which can count even a hundred individuals. They are very "chatty" animals, in fact they boast a very vast and complex acoustic repertoire. Often, during the sightings, it is they who approach the boat with curiosity, pulling their head out of the water in the typical behaviour called spy-hopping.
Maximum length : 5-7 m
Lunghezza (massima): 5-7 m
Weight: 1-2 tons
Longevity: about 50 years
Dive time: 10-15 mins
Immersion depth: max -600 m
Speed: 35 km/h max
Classification: DD ( Data Deficient )
IUCN Red List Classification: DD ( Data Deficient )
Threats: maritime traffic, human activities (intensive fishing, chemical pollution)